Cylindrical dies

Carbide cylindrical dies can be made of various carbide alloys, ranging from G10 to G60 grade.


Each carbide type requires matching production methods, an area in which SMF Tools B.V. has more than proved its capabilities in the last few decennia.


We use the latest technology that is available for these products.


These dies can be single or double shrunk or pressed in to give customers the highest possible return on investment from their dies.

Steel dies are also used in cold and hot forming processes and consequently SMF Tools has a great deal of experience in this area as well. As any insider knows, these products are very diverse and can vary from a 10 mm to a 350 mm radius. These products are generally made from harder materials (60 HRC and higher).


Cylindrical dies dimensions:

  • The internal diameters can vary between Ø2.0mm and Ø100mm
  • The external diameters can vary between Ø10.0mm and Ø250mm
  • All diameters are available in lengths of up to 400mm.